Top podcasts for learners foreign language

With its unrestricted access to excellent material to increase vocabulary and improve listening abilities as well as important cultural exposure, podcasts have radically changed the way that people learn languages. These days, podcasts are everywhere since they are an excellent method to supplement your studies.


ArabicPod is a website devoted to offering entertaining and lighthearted podcasts to help students become more fluent in Arabic. Discover hundreds of episodes suitable for students at all skill levels on any subject. The website's traditional appearance should not deter you; the excellent material is perfect for pupils and will greatly improve comprehension. Although all of the basic podcasts are free, the Lower Intermediate-Advanced episodes cost around £5 a month.


InnerFrench is a fascinating listen that will provide you with a wonderful understanding of French life and culture. It is best suited for intermediate learners or confident pupils. Everything from the Tour de France to the environmental catastrophe is covered in a distinct episode. Specifically, the presenter addresses important topics like racism, immigration, and islamophobia in France in a handful of the programs, which genuinely informs you on the state of affairs. Hugo speaks enough that it is easy enough to follow along, and the podcasts also include a helpful transcript.

Slow German

Slow German one of the greatest podcasts available for German students is Slow German, which can help you learn a lot about Germany—from its rich history to its delectable food—while also greatly improving your language abilities. Each edition of the podcast is highly thought-provoking and appropriate for students of all abilities because journalist Annik Rubens, the presenter, speaks very clearly and slowly.

Your Greek word on a sunday

In terms of vocabulary and linguistics, the Greek language has given us so much; but, where did these words and language building blocks come from, and how are they employed now? Released every week, Your Greek Word on a Sunday is a pretty charming podcast with bite-sized, minute-long episodes. Everyone talks about a distinct Greek term and provides an intriguing background and development. Great for language geeks like us, listen to it to expand your understanding of the Greek language, culture, and history.

Parliamo Di Cose (Italian)

For more experienced Italian students wishing to learn new words and acquire native-level idioms, Parliamo Di Cose is one of the greatest podcasts. The idea behind the podcast is that host Jacopo D'Alesio talks about a variety of (often odd) subjects, such as crazy alien conspiracy theories and why owning a car is such a waste of time. You will surely laugh out loud with Jacopo, and in the process, you will pick up a few oddball facts. Regularly listening to his brief podcasts will make you grin as well as improve your Italian!

The Konnichiwa podcast (Japanese)

Would want to listen to authentic Japanese without feeling overpowered? Sample The Konnichiwa Podcast. Those studying Japanese at a level above pre-intermediate are the target audience for this fascinating series. There is a new episode released every week, and the conversations are current. With presenters My and Yurie speaking in Japanese, Dan joins in on the conversation in English and provides helpful insights and translations. Although its approach is unorthodox, it appears to work well and allows students to begin understanding actual Japanese with helpful English explanations. 

Real life Korean conversations for beginners

Would want to get practice listening to real-life Korean talks and dialogues about common subjects? For exactly that, check out the Real Life Korean Conversations for Beginners podcast on Spotify! Short episodes make it easy to listen in whenever you have a moment. As you listen to normal talks at a market, on a blind date, in a meeting, and in any other situation you can think of! Especially helpful for those just starting, this podcast will greatly improve your Korean.

Popup Chinese

Having Popup Chinese at your disposal will help you practise understanding and reinforce the material you have been studying in your Mandarin sessions. For both novices and experts, their brief podcasts come with transcripts and vocabulary lists if you sign up for their free membership programme. They're usually entertaining to listen to and the breadth of subjects discussed is astounding. To assist you follow along and not feeling overburdened, the presenters talk slowly in both Mandarin and English.

Portuguese with Leo

Sometimes students find it difficult at first to adapt to the Portuguese accent, but there is only one way to get proficient at it: practise listening a tonne! Any learner should start with Portuguese with Leo. All learners who want to become more self-assured and used to the Portuguese accent will find Leo's clear and succinct speech to be ideal. As he explores Portuguese life and culture, highlights the linguistic distinctions between European Portuguese and Brazilian or Angolan Portuguese, and offers helpful grammar advice, his movies are always fascinating to watch.

Russian made easy

The Russian Made Easy podcasts concentrate on *checks notes* simplifying the learning of Russian! Listening to these podcasts in conjunction with your classes will enable you to grasp the fundamentals and gain practical terminology. Every episode, which you may download or listen to for free, centers on straightforward discussions about everyday troubles. You may follow along with the PDF transcripts on their website as well.

Hoy Hablamos

Hoy Hablamos is a great podcast for students of all skill levels if you're trying to get in that extra practice in between your Spanish lessons. Hoy Hablamos contains all you need to learn useful, everyday idioms or to listen to some fascinating arguments.